O. Doğan (Sr. Lead Engineer)
I have had the opportunity to work with Fırat in the past and to experience one of his training sessions at ASML. Fırat stands out as an instructor with extensive knowledge and deep expertise. He has a unique ability to make complex topics easy to understand, significantly enhancing participants’ grasp of the subject and making the learning process truly efficient. The quality of his training lies not only in conveying information but also in inspiring, provoking thought, and contributing to personal development. Attending one of Fırat’s sessions is always a valuable experience. I wholeheartedly recommend him to any team that seeks an impactful trainer.
K. Zwiggelar (Lead Engineer)
Thanks, Firat, for a very inspiring lecture on Design for Manufacturing & Assembly. I enjoyed to learn more about practical cases of ASML and how to improve designs, while communicated in a way engineers think.
Hopefully we can cooperate more in the future and keep improving our designs.
B. Çantı (Design Engineer)
Quality, performance, and cost are key drivers in today’s market. Getting the final product right means adjusting these factors. With competition getting tougher, it’s becoming more challenging to optimize them within the given time.
The Design for Manufacturing serves as an enabler for all project stakeholders, especially the design team, to achieve competitive products that satisfy constraints and comply with requirements.
Firat’s training on Design for Manufacturing not only provides insights into manufacturing methods but also distinguishes the appropriate methods for given cases. By considering different real-life scenarios, the training offers a comprehensive foundation for newcomers and a well-documented refresher for those already experienced in the field.
I highly recommend this training for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of manufacturing methods and improve their project outcomes by optimizing quality, performance, and cost.
M. Youshi (Design Engineer)
I highly recommend the DFMA training conducted by Firat. The training was both informative and engaging, and I found it particularly valuable due to the practical examples he incorporated throughout the session. These real-world applications not only enhanced my understanding of the concepts but also allowed me to see how they can be effectively implemented. It was a rewarding learning experience that I believe would benefit anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge in this area.
M. Abdelmoniem (Mechanical Engineer)
I had the pleasure of attending a session led by Firat on design rules, manufacturability and GD&T during ASML MDEV competency day. His presentation was very informative and packed with valuable insights. Firat was very well-prepared, and his use of real case studies made complex topics easy to understand and highly relevant. His expertise and engaging delivery kept the audience captivated throughout. I highly recommend Firat for his deep knowledge and good presentation skills. Anyone looking to enhance their understanding of these topics would greatly benefit from his sessions.
H. Mehrtak (Design Engineer)
Thank you for providing such comprehensive training on DFMA.Firat’s expertise/ practical examples based on ASML’s existing modules have improved my understanding of manufacturing processes and techniques. I’m confident that the skills I’ve gained will greatly benefit my work in this field.
B. Raylaz (Production Engineer)
I am so glad that I had a chance to take this course. As a fresh engineer, taking this course has given me a distinct perspective helping me to realize the core of the design problems. It includes numerous design details as well as new production techniques. Also, I have learned the subtitles of design for manufacturing. Thank you for this opportunity.
E. Ateş (Design Engineer)
DfMA eğitimi, multidisipliner bir temel oluşturup, tasarım bakış açısı ve ürünleştirme konularında yoğun bilgiler içeren keyifli bir eğitimdi. Her mekanik tasarım mühendisinin mesleğe girerken alması gereken bir eğitim.
P. Daamen (Design Engineer)
As ASML design engineer I very happy with the existence of a Design for manufacturing competence with Firat as competence lead. I experienced his useful knowledge during several presentations already and from the DfM Manufacturing techniques training at Mikrocenter.
N. Kamakgün (Engineer)
Fırat Bey’den almış olduğum geniş kapsamlı DFM/A eğitimi; malzemeler, geleneksel ve çağdaş imalat teknikleri, üretikebilirlik ve montajlanabilirlik gibi konularda önemli teorik bilgileri, ipuçlarını ve sektörel örnekleri içeriyor. Kendi adıma oldukça faydalı bulduğum bu eğitim süresinceki enerjisi ve arzusu için kendisine tekrardan teşekkür ederim.
Ö. Kurtul (Lead Engineer)
Fırat beyden aldığımız eğitim çok faydalı oldu. Kendisi konusunda oldukça uzman. Sektörden verdiği örnekler ile eğitimin içeriği çok doyurucu ve farklı bakış açıları sağladı. Mesleki anlamda kendisini tanimaktan büyük bir mutluluk duydum.
E. Arınan (Lead Quality Assurance Engineer)
Eğitim içerik olarak oldukça dolu, geleneksel ve modern üretim yöntemlerini detaylı bir şekilde işliyoruz. Uygulamaları videolar ile görme şansımız oldu. Sınıf içi tartışmalar ile bir çok yeni bilgi edindim. Her mühendisin ilgisini çekeceğini düşünüyorum. Anlatım detaylı ve akıcı idi. Fırat hocama saygılarımı ve teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.
M.C. Canbaz (Mechanical Engineer)
I had the pleasure of attending the ‘Design for Manufacturing’ course led by Firat. His presentations provided iI would like to begin by expressing my gratitude. Beyond his cheerful demeanor, joy, and dynamic presence, he has prepared an exceptionally successful course. By integrating experiential and visual content from the industry, he not only enabled us, his students, to better understand the subject matter but also kept our theoretical knowledge up-to-date. This approach has greatly assisted us in developing a fresh perspective. His dedication and innovative teaching methods have been invaluable in enriching our learning experience.
J. Joustra (Mechanical Engineer)
I had the pleasure of attending the ‘Design for Manufacturing’ course led by Firat. His presentations provided invaluable insights into various manufacturing techniques, emphasizing cost-effective strategies. Firat’s expertise and clear communication significantly enhanced my understanding of the subject.
V. Tielen (Lead Mechanical Engineer)
Followed the course “design for manufacturing techniques” which was thought by Firat. His knowledge about different manufacturing techniques and practical examples helped taking manufacturing techniques into account early in the design phase ensuring an achievable and cost effective design.
K. Piotrowski (Lead Mechanical Engineer)
I participated in Firat’s course – Design for Manufacturing, where he provided overview of many manufacturing techniques. I really liked his engagement as he wanted to give his audience the most value within the given time. The lecture was full of useful knowledge and relevant examples. I recommend Firat’s course to anyone that is curious of the manufacturing capabilities available today.
Y. Lin (Mechanical Design Engineer)
I highly recommend the course “Design for manufacturing techniques”, which is given by Firat.
Firat is an experienced professional in the field of mechanical design and manufacturing. He brings a wealth of practical knowledge and industry insights. His course empowered me with valuable knowledge.
S. Rahurkar (Mechanical and Thermel Engineer)
During the design manufacturing technique course, Firat taught us the practical applications of different manufacturing techniques. He was thorough and taught us well.
S. v.d Berg (Manufacturing and Equipment Engineer)
I got to know Firat as organiser and trainer of the training Design for Manufacturing. This six weeks training was well organised, with plenty of opportunities to visit manufacturing facilities in the Eindhoven region.
The final training of the series was given by Firat himself. I enjoyed attending the training and the interaction with Firat. He’s knowledgeable about the subjects he presented to the training participants and was open to questions and more in depth explanations of the different subjects.
A. E. Çatalkaya (Price and Cost Analysis Engineer)
11.03.2024-14.03.2024 tarihleri arasında almış olduğum DfMA eğitimi, hem bilgi hem de deneyim açısından benim için son derece faydalı ve değerliydi. Fırat hocamızın profesyonel rehberliği ile geçirdiğimiz bu zaman, her açıdan konuların anlaşılır bir şekilde işlenmesi ve uygulamalı örneklerle desteklenmesi, konuları daha da net anlamamıza yardımcı oldu. Özellikle hocamızın samimi yaklaşımı ve konuya olan hakimiyeti, eğitimin verimini son derece arttırdı. Sorularımıza da sabırla yanıt verdiğiniz için ayrıca teşekkür ederim. Mesleki gelişim açısından ve benim tarafımdan, hem üniversite yıllarımı hatırlatıcı hem de teorik anlamda bazı şeyleri pekiştirmemize olanak sağladı. Sizin gibi deneyimli bir eğitmen ile çalışmak büyük bir şanstı. Yeniden teşekkür eder, gelecekteki farklı eğitimlerde görüşmek dileğiyle. Saygılar.
İ. Erden (Senior Mechanical Designer)
I have attented the DFMA training which is instructed by Fırat. Training was quite core and full of knowlege about design principles, manufacturability, manufacturing processes and many more. Despite I have manufacturing background, it was very useful for me as a mechanical design engineer to revise my knowledge and to have conservation about the subjects. I advice this training to all mechanical designers who want to develop themselves on manufacturable design concepts.
O. Şen (Price and Cost Analysis Engineer)
I recently had the opportunity to attend a fantastic training session on “design for manufacture and assembly” (DFMA), and I must say it was incredibly valuable. The instructor did an excellent job of covering key principles and techniques to optimize product design for efficient manufacturing and assembly processes. Throughout the training, we learned about various strategies to minimize production costs, and improve overall product quality. The instructor provided practical examples and case studies that helped illustrate the concepts and demonstrate their real-world applications. I highly recommend this training to anyone involved in product design, engineering, or manufacturing. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned professional, you’ll undoubtedly benefit from the insights and experiences shared during the sessions.
E. Gözükara (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Looking to enhance your knowledge in Design for Manufacturing and Assembly? Look no further! I highly recommend Fırat Büyükcivelek’s course on this subject. His educational and enjoyable approach not only provided me with a wealth of information but also ignited my passion for the topic. Join this enriching learning experience and unlock the secrets of efficient manufacturing and assembly processes with Fırat Büyükcivelek as your guide.
A.M. Gıcır (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I have earned lots of tips at DFM/A course thanks to Mr. Büyükcivelek. The course was very beneficial especially for mechanical design engineers in terms of design for production, assembly. Not only tips, but also the earned experience from the trainee and classmates in the interactive learning environment had taught me invaluable things. I am very delightful to Mr.Büyükcivelek as a Junior Mechanical Design Engineer.
N. Aydın (Supplier Quality Assurance Engineer)
Firat Hocamizdan aldigim DfM/A egitimi benim icin gercekten cok faydali oldu. Bir kaliteci olarak tasarim asamalarinda goz onune alinmasi gereken faktorler, malzeme secim kriterleri, muhendislik malzemeleri ve kaplama yontemleri, kaynak metodlari gibi konularin endustriyel kullanimlari hakkinda hem kendi bilgilerimi tazelemis hem de yepyeni nuanslar ogrenmis oldum. Firat Hocamin anlatiminin akiciligi, akilda soru isareti birakmayan yaklasimiyla cok keyifli bir egitim gecirmis oldum. Kendisinden ogrendiklerimin is hayatimda bana cok faydasi dokunacagina eminim.
E. Özgüven (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I had the chance to participate in Fırat’s DFMA class. It was a unique training where he combined theoretical studies with his experience of design studies in high-tech companies over the years. The training includes detailed information on manufacturing processes and essential tips for design processes, backed with real-life examples and problems he encountered in the semi-con and defense industries. Hands down, it is one of the best courses you can attend as a Mechanical Design Engineer.
Kubilay S. (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Yeni mezun genç bir tasarım mühendisi olarak çok öğretici bir eğitim süreci geçirdim. Eğitim boyunca Fırat Bey’in mesleki tecrübelerinden örnekler dinlemek eğitimin verimi fazlasıyla arttırdı. Hem böylesine kaliteli bir eğitim aldığıma hem de Fırat Bey ile tanıştığıma çok memnun oldum.
A. Uzunçarşılı (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I am glad that I had the opportunity to participate in Mr. Büyükcivelek’s Design For Manufacturing and Assembly training. It had been really productive and enjoyable to work with Mr. Büyükcivelek. Contents of the course were up-to-date and Mr. Büyükcivelek made use of his years of engineering experience in the crafting of the course material which included both conventional and modern methods of manufacturing and assembly. His overall enthusiasm towards teaching attracted attention and his interactive education approach created a great environment for learning.
F. D. İnanç (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Verdiğiniz eğitim her açıdan çok kıymetliydi. Umarım tekrar bu seviyede bir etkinliğin parçası olma fırsatım olur. Teşekkür ederim.
M. Kılıç (Lider Mühendis)
I had the pleasure of receiving training on Design for Manufacturing from Fırat. Fırat’s deep expertise in the subject matter, combined with his engaging teaching style, made the learning process both enjoyable and highly informative. He effortlessly conveyed complex concepts, fostering a comprehensive understanding of manufacturing design principles. Fırat’s commitment to excellence and clear communication make him an exceptional educator in this field. I highly recommend Fırat for anyone seeking top-notch training in Design for Manufacturing.
S. Jellema (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Firat is a really friendly, helpful person with a lot of knowledge about production methods, specifically used in ASML environment. You can reach out to Firat, he will always try to help you or guide you in de right direction. Thanks Firat!
M. Koç (Süreç Mühendisi)
DfMA eğitimi, zengin içeriği ve Fırat hocamın dinamik anlatımıyla çok verimliydi. Mesleğe yeni başlayan veya vizyonunu daha da geliştirmek isteyen mühendis arkadaşların bu eğitimi alması faydalı olacaktır.
A. Karaca (Kıdemli Süreç Mühendisi)
I had taken a valuable training course from Mr. Buyukcivelek and I feel lucky to learn much about DFMEA. He is knowledgable on this subject, I really appreciate for this incredible training and wanna say thanks.
F. Böhme (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I took part in a design for manufacturing course by Firat. The organization was great and the course was full of practical examples and visits to regional companies. Firat is a very knowledgeable person and his way of teaching helped a lot to understand the content. It was nice to see his excitement and passion for teaching and manufacturing techniques.
J. Sluijter (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I had the opportunity to have a training about Design for Manufacturing by Firat. He has a lot of knowledge about the subject. Furthermore, his teaching style is very clear and calm, and he is open to questions. Most important of all, you can see he enjoys teaching which brings a positive atmosphere and is very motivating.
P. Sensen (Kalite Mühendisi)
Thank you Firat for the innovating training of Design for Manufacturing!
T. Liara (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I had several training sessions with Firat, and in all of them, Firat was very clear on his transfer of knowledge, willing to teach, and to research on topics that there wasn’t a lot of clarity. His knowledge in design for manufacturing and willingness to teach helped me become a better engineer.
A. Ferreira (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I had a course about Design for Manufacturing. It was Firat’s first class but he was already well prepared and knowledgeable about the topics discussed, for which I can vouch for his capacity to teach, in a kind way i might add, and his knowledge in this subject.
A. Casian (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
I had opportunity to participate on Design for Manufacturing (DFM) training, and I really enjoined. We had opportunity to listen Firat, and I can say he is highly skilled engineer and possess great knowledge of DFM. Also, I had opportunity to discuss with Firat after training and discover that beside a great engineer he is also a nice person. Willing to listen, care, help with right information, collaborate, and challenge you of course. From above related motives I really recommend Firat!!!
E. Özgüzen (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Fırat Bey’in oluşturduğu, maliyet ve zaman etkin şekilde üretilebilir, güvenli, güvenilir, sürdürülebilir, tamir edilebilir, temizlenebilir tasarımları ortaya koymak ve bunları kavramsal tasarım aşamasında uygulayabilmek adına tecrübe ve bilgisini paylaştığı Design for Manufacturing/Assembly eğitimine katıldık. Mühendislik eğitimimize ek olarak, endistüriyel bakış açısıyla tasarımlarımızın ilk fazında hayata geçirebileceğimiz bir çok farklı uygulama ve pratik bilgiyi bagajımıza koyduk. Konvansiyonel imalat tekniklerinin yanında ileri teknoloji uygulamaları ve tasarım çözümlerini birlikte tartışma fırsatı bulduk. Fırat Bey’e emekleri adına teşekkür ederim. Eğitimi üretim odaklı tasarım yapmak isteyen mühendislere tavsiye ederim.
B. Usta (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Fırat Büyükcivelek’ten DfM/A üzerine bir eğitim aldık, kendisiyle çalışmak bizim için güzel bir fırsattı. Yılların kattığı engin tecrübelerini bizimle paylaşma isteği sayesinde bizim de kendimize çok şey kattığımızı düşünüyorum. Bir çok mühendisin, tecrübesi ne olursa olsun, eğitimden kazandıkları işlerine yarayacaktır
E. Kirpiksiz (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Sn. Fırat Buyukcivelek ile DFM/A eğitimini tamamlamış bulunmaktayız. Eğitim içeriği Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisliği alanında çalışmalar sürdüren kişiler için oldukça faydalı ve kapsamlıdır. Eğitimin interaktif şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi katılımcılar ile bilgi paylaşımını kuvvetlendirmektedir. Buna ek olarak öğrenilmiş tecrübeler üzerinden teknik bilgi aktarımı da bu eğitimi değerli kılan diğer bir parametredir.
B. Oktay (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Fırat Hocam DfMA konusunu tüm mekanik tasarımcıların işine yarayacak şekliyle anlatıyor. Başlangıç seviyesinden ileri seviyeye kadar konunun bütün yönleri ele alınıyor. Bu işle ilgilenenler kesinlikle fayda sağlayacaktır.
İ. B. Güneytepe (Mekanik Tasarım Mühendisi)
Gayet kapsamlı içeriğe sahip öğretici bir eğitimdi. Tekrardan teşekkürler.